How to Stop Windshield from Fogging Up in Winter?


In this blog, we will discuss how to prevent foggy windshields in winter. We will also share some tips to clear foggy windshields quickly in case it happens while you’re driving.


In this blog, we will provide you with 8 effective ways to prevent your windshield from fogging up during winter. These tips are easy to follow and can save you from the inconvenience and danger of foggy windshields.

Keep Your Windshield Clean

A dirty windshield is more prone to fogging up than a clean one. Dirt, dust, and debris can trap moisture on your windshield and cause it to fog up quickly. Therefore, it is essential to keep your windshield clean to prevent fogging.

To clean your windshield, use a good quality glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Make sure to remove all the dirt and grime from the windshield and dry it thoroughly.

Use Anti-Fog Solutions

Anti-fog solutions are specially designed to prevent fogging on glass surfaces. They work by creating a thin film on the surface that repels moisture and prevents it from condensing. You can find anti-fog solutions in most auto stores or online.

To apply an anti-fog solution, spray it on your windshield and wipe it with a microfiber cloth. Make sure to cover the entire surface of the windshield for maximum protection.

Use a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier can be an effective solution to prevent your windshield from fogging up during winter. Dehumidifiers work by removing excess moisture from the air, which prevents it from condensing on your windshield. You can find small dehumidifiers designed for cars that can be plugged into your car’s cigarette lighter.

Turn on Your Car’s Defrost

Most modern cars come with a defrost function that can quickly clear foggy windshields. The defrost function works by directing warm air towards the windshield, which raises its temperature and prevents moisture from condensing.

To use the defrost function, turn on your car’s heater and select the defrost setting. Make sure to direct the airflow towards the windshield for maximum effect.

Crack Your Windows Open

Cracking your windows open can help to circulate air in your car and prevent moisture from accumulating on your windshield. This is especially useful when you have multiple passengers in your car, as their breathing can contribute to moisture buildup.

Make sure to crack your windows open just a little to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your car.

Use Rain-X

Rain-X is a popular product used to repel water and improve visibility during rainy conditions. However, it can also be used to prevent foggy windshields in winter.

To use Rain-X, apply it on your windshield using a microfiber cloth and let it dry for a few minutes. Once it’s dry, buff it off with another microfiber cloth. Rain-X will create a hydrophobic surface on your windshield that repels moisture and prevents fogging.

Use a Windshield Cover

A windshield cover is an effective solution to prevent your windshield from fogging up during winter. Windshield covers are designed to insulate your windshield from the cold and prevent moisture from accumulating on it.

To use a windshield cover, simply place it over your windshield before you park your car. Make sure to secure it properly to prevent it from blowing away.

Expert Opinion

As an experienced driver, I would suggest using a combination of these methods to prevent your windshield from fogging up during winter. Keeping your windshield clean, using anti-fog solutions, and using a dehumidifier are the most effective ways to prevent fogging. However, if it does happen, turning on your defrost function and cracking your windows open can quickly clear the fog.


Q. How does a windshield cover prevent fogging up?

A. A windshield cover insulates your windshield from the cold and prevents moisture from accumulating on it, thus preventing fogging.

Q. Is it safe to drive with a foggy windshield?

A.No, it is not safe to drive with a foggy windshield as it can impair your visibility and increase the risk of accidents.

Q. Can I use vinegar to prevent foggy windshields?

A. Yes, you can use a mixture of vinegar and water to clean your windshield and prevent fogging. However, make sure to rinse it off thoroughly and dry it properly.

Q. Can I use a hairdryer to clear foggy windshields?

A. No, it is not recommended to use a hairdryer to clear foggy windshields as it can damage the windshield and the heating element can be a fire hazard.

Q. Can I use a cloth to clear foggy windshields?

A. Yes, you can use a microfiber cloth to clear foggy windshields. However, make sure to dry the windshield properly to prevent moisture buildup.


In conclusion, dealing with a foggy windshield during winter can be a challenging and frustrating experience. However, by keeping your windshield clean, using anti-fog solutions, and using a dehumidifier, you can prevent fogging from happening. If it does happen, turning on your defrost function and cracking your windows open can quickly clear the fog.

Remember, a clear and unobstructed view of the road is crucial for safe driving. Therefore, it’s important to take the necessary steps to prevent and clear any fogging on your windshield during winter. By following the tips and solutions provided in this blog, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience even during the coldest and foggiest of days.

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