How Far Can You Drive with Diesel in a Petrol Car?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you accidentally filled your petrol car with diesel? It can be a moment of panic and worry, as you wonder what will happen to your car.

In this blog post, we will address this issue and provide you with valuable information on how far you can drive with diesel in a petrol car. So, if you’ve ever made this mistake or want to be prepared for such a scenario, keep reading to find out the solution to your problem.

What Happens if you Put Diesel in a Petrol Car:

Putting diesel fuel in a petrol car can have serious consequences. The two fuels have different properties and combustion processes, which can result in damage to the engine components.

Petrol engines rely on spark ignition, whereas diesel engines use compression ignition. When you introduce diesel fuel into a petrol engine, it can cause misfiring, reduced performance, and potentially lead to long-term damage.

When petrol is used in a diesel engine, it can lead to various issues due to the differences in flash point and auto-ignition temperature between the fuels.

Case 1: Diesel in a Petrol Engine

In a petrol engine, diesel cannot easily evaporate in the carburetor, as its flash point is higher than that of petrol. This prevents the formation of an air-fuel mixture, resulting in no combustion. However, in some cases where the engine is already hot, the temperature may exceed the flash point of diesel, allowing for an air-fuel mixture. However, the engine’s performance may not be optimal since it is designed for petrol, not diesel.

Case 2: Petrol in a Diesel Engine

A diesel engine relies on compression ignition, where the temperature during compression exceeds the auto-ignition temperature of diesel. If petrol is used instead of diesel, the lower auto-ignition temperature of petrol may prevent the engine from starting. In hot engine conditions, petrol can auto-ignite, but its lower caloric value compared to diesel may affect the engine’s ability to handle the load, resulting in less smooth operation.

It’s important to note that using the wrong fuel in an engine can have detrimental effects and should be avoided. Always use the appropriate fuel for your engine to ensure optimal performance and prevent potential damage.

Please note that using the wrong fuel in any engine can have detrimental effects and should be avoided at all costs.

How Far Can You Drive with Diesel in a Petrol Car?

The distance you can drive with diesel in a petrol car is influenced by several key factors. Understanding these factors is important to gauge the potential range and determine the best course of action. Let’s explore these factors in detail:

  1. Amount of Diesel in the Tank: The quantity of diesel fuel present in the petrol car’s tank plays a significant role in determining the distance you can drive. If only a small amount of diesel is mixed with petrol, the impact on the engine might be minimal, allowing you to travel a slightly longer distance. However, as the proportion of diesel increases, the risk of engine issues grows, and the recommended driving distance decreases.
  2. Car’s Fuel Efficiency: The fuel efficiency of your car, commonly referred to as its miles per gallon (MPG), affects how far you can drive with diesel in a petrol car. Fuel-efficient cars typically cover more distance per gallon, which means they may have a slightly better chance of going farther before experiencing noticeable problems. On the other hand, cars with lower fuel efficiency may experience issues sooner due to the strain caused by the presence of diesel fuel.
  3. Driving Conditions: Driving conditions, including factors such as terrain, traffic, and speed, can impact the distance you can drive with diesel in a petrol car. Stop-and-go traffic, frequent idling, or driving on hilly roads may exacerbate the effects of using the wrong fuel, potentially reducing the distance before engine issues arise. Conversely, driving on open highways or in ideal conditions might provide a slightly longer range, but it is still crucial to exercise caution.

Average Distance You Can Drive with Diesel in a Petrol Car

On average, a petrol car can run for about 10-15 miles (16-24 kilometers) before the engine starts experiencing noticeable issues after mistakenly using diesel fuel. However, it’s important to remember that this estimate can vary significantly based on the factors mentioned above.

While 10-15 miles might not seem like a significant distance, it can still be useful in certain situations. It allows you to safely move your vehicle off busy roads or find a suitable stopping point where you can seek professional assistance. Nevertheless, it is essential to avoid pushing the limits and risking further damage to your car’s engine.

Importance of Avoiding Pushing the Limits

Although the average distance provided gives you an idea of what to expect, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and the well-being of your vehicle. Attempting to drive beyond the estimated range can lead to severe engine damage and significantly increase repair costs.

Continuing to drive a petrol car with diesel fuel in the hope of reaching your destination or a repair facility is not recommended. The risks of causing irreparable harm to your engine, as well as compromising your safety on the road, outweigh any potential benefits.

Instead, take immediate action to address the issue by contacting a professional mechanic or roadside assistance service. These experts will drain the fuel tank and flush the system to prevent further damage, ensuring your vehicle receives the necessary care.

Which is Worse for the Engine, Putting Diesel in a “Petrol Car” or Petrol in a “Diesel Car”?

When it comes to the impact on the engine, putting petrol in a diesel car is generally considered worse than putting diesel in a petrol car. Let’s explore the reasons behind this:

Putting Diesel in a Petrol Car:

While mistakenly putting diesel in a petrol car can cause issues, the consequences are usually less severe. Diesel has a lower volatility compared to petrol, which means it is less likely to evaporate fully in the fuel system of a petrol car. As a result, the engine may not receive the proper fuel-air mixture required for combustion. However, in most cases, this will result in the engine simply failing to start or running roughly. Once the incorrect fuel is removed and the system is cleaned, the petrol car can usually resume normal operation without major long-term damage.

Putting Petrol in a Diesel Car:

In contrast, putting petrol in a diesel car can have more significant consequences. Diesel engines operate on a principle called compression ignition, relying on the high temperatures generated by compressing air to ignite the diesel fuel. Petrol, on the other hand, requires a spark to ignite. When petrol is introduced into a diesel engine, it can lead to abnormal combustion, potentially causing engine damage.

The main issue arises from the properties of petrol, which has a higher volatility and lower auto-ignition temperature than diesel. In a diesel engine, the petrol may ignite prematurely during the compression stroke, leading to engine knocking or pinging. This can result in increased pressure and temperature inside the engine, potentially causing damage to pistons, valves, and other engine components. Additionally, the lubrication properties of diesel fuel are different from petrol, which can further contribute to increased wear and tear.

Repairing a diesel engine after petrol contamination can be more complex and expensive compared to fixing a petrol engine with diesel contamination. It often requires thorough cleaning, potential component replacements, and careful inspection to ensure the engine’s proper functioning.

Immediate Actions to Take When you Put Diesel in a Petrol Car:

If you realize that you’ve accidentally filled your petrol car with diesel, it’s crucial to take immediate action. The first step is to avoid starting the engine, as this will prevent the diesel from circulating further.

Contact a professional mechanic or roadside assistance service to drain the fuel tank and flush the system before any damage occurs. Remember, time is of the essence in these situations.

Potential Damage to the Engine with Diesel in a Petrol Car:

Even with prompt action, there is still a possibility of damage to the engine. The severity of the damage depends on various factors, including the amount of diesel in the tank, the duration of driving, and the engine type.

The components most susceptible to damage include the fuel injectors, fuel pump, catalytic converter, and oxygen sensors. It is advisable to have a thorough inspection of these components after the mishap to assess any potential harm.

Risks of Driving with Diesel in a Petrol Car:

Continuing to drive a petrol car with diesel fuel can lead to severe engine damage, which can be expensive to repair. In addition to potential engine issues, you may also experience decreased fuel efficiency, rough engine performance, and increased emissions.

It’s essential to prioritize safety and get your vehicle towed to a mechanic as soon as possible.

Seeking Professional Help:

After realizing the mistake of using diesel in a petrol car, it’s strongly recommended to seek professional help. A qualified mechanic can assess the situation, drain the fuel tank, and check for any damage caused. They have the expertise and equipment necessary to ensure your car is restored to its optimal condition.

Learning from Experience: Expert Opinion:

As an experienced mechanical engineer, I would strongly advise against driving a petrol car with diesel fuel. It is crucial to be cautious when refueling and double-check the fuel type before filling up.

However, mistakes happen, and in such cases, taking immediate action and seeking professional assistance is the best course of action to minimize any potential damage to your vehicle.


Can putting diesel in a petrol car destroy the engine?

Putting diesel in a petrol car can potentially damage the engine. Diesel fuel has different combustion properties than petrol, leading to misfiring and reduced performance. Prompt action is necessary to avoid severe damage.

How far can you drive with diesel in a petrol car?

On average, you can drive for about 10-15 miles (16-24 kilometers) with diesel in a petrol car before experiencing noticeable issues. However, it’s crucial to avoid pushing the limits and seek professional help promptly.

What should I do if I put diesel in my petrol car?

If you accidentally put diesel in your petrol car, avoid starting the engine and seek professional help immediately. Contact a mechanic or roadside assistance service to drain the fuel tank and prevent further damage.

What components of the engine can be affected by using diesel in a petrol car?

Components such as fuel injectors, fuel pump, catalytic converter, and oxygen sensors are most susceptible to damage when diesel is used in a petrol car. It’s essential to have a thorough inspection to assess any potential harm.

How can I prevent accidentally using the wrong fuel in my car?

To prevent accidentally using the wrong fuel, be cautious when refueling and double-check the fuel type before filling up. It’s helpful to develop a routine and be mindful of the nozzle and fuel options at the station.

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